Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Ideas!

Talking to 3 friends about this blog was a huge hit tonight.  I got font color ideas, new title ideas, new theme ideas & content ideas.   I wanted to improve my blog site for their visual enjoyment & also (secretly) in hopes of capturing a few more "followers" (which would make me try harder to write better).  

My brain works best by setting & achieving small goals & trying not to consume too many sweets each night (which I achieved tonight by only eating 3 See's nuts & chews.)  So my goals are to attract 20 blog followers by the end of 2010 & finish eating all the candy in the house & NOT buy any more!

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."  Edmund Hillary (New Zeland mountain climber and Antarctic explorer famous for being first to successfully climb Mount Everest)


  1. oh, you can EZ-ily have 20 followers by the end of 2010! Make it ~500 followers! I say join a few groups from Cafemom, or other mom groups and spread the word:)

  2. What? You can change format/colors once started... inspiring!

    And I think 500 followers... no problem!
