Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flat tire fun!

My boyfriend bought me a motorcycle for my birthday 2 years back, which is in November. This meant learning to ride it.... in the winter. Every time Sean said "let's go for a ride" my first thought was 'it's cold', but I'd agree. That was 2 winters ago. I'm happy to say I LOVE riding it even when my hands are freezing (because leather gloves look cool but aren't fleece lined).

60 degrees & sunny yesterday when we rode our familiar route up highway 1 & back. Side by side we smiled at each other on the single lane road. It was perfect, but damp cold along the ocean. I've done this ride at least 50 times. My mind wondered...how many more times can we ride this stretch... 200? 300? we have the next 10 years living here? But it's never the same ride, ever.

30 minutes into the ride Sean's tire was hissing from a nail puncture.
123 0444 Flat02 Z We pulled into Ragged Point, where I photograph weddings & the event coordinator walked by. "We were just talking about you Debbie! Hi Sean!" She helped us park the bike in a safe garage around back. "Are you available to video the grounds for some new marketing next week?" Wow, did I just get a potential job from Sean's bike having a problem?

Then I got to ride Sean home on my motorcycle! It was scary at first - stop signs & merging made me so nervous with the extra weight, I nearly tipped over several times. But by the end I felt good, empowered, exhilarated, giddy from the unexpected adventure of the day.

Life's short, so we had a big bowl of ice cream together in honor of my safe navigation home!

1 comment:

  1. Now, that is SO COOL!!!!! love that you rode him! (no sexual ovetone intended;)
