12 friends met in Vegas for 2 days to celebrate my college roommate's 40th Birthday! On the flight there I customized my cell phone settings, changed it's display & finally read all the "tips" in its manual! I'd been stuck in my 2007 habits & now I'm in the 2010 decade of shortcuts.
While IN Vegas I was impressed & pleasantly surprised how much our large group of girls did in a weekend! ate, drank, exercised, spa, craps, watched & bet on The Jets game then The Saints playoff game, ate late dinner, drank, danced, blackjack tables, slots. Day 2 Repeat, but we included a BUFFET!
Now, I grew up going to Vegas once a year doing the buffet thing with my blackjack playing dad... it was a special treat to pay $20 for casino buffets. The girls were hesitant to pay $32 but agreed to try a buffet at The Wynn. It was unbelievable how much delicious, fresh, gourmet food was offered. Japanese - sashimi, Southern -shrimp etuffe, Thai -grilled beef salad, Indian - lentils & curried chicken, Chinese - Potstickers, Italian cuisine - fresh butternut squash gnocci & imported olives & cheeses - mustard seed sharp cheddar. But the icing on the cake were the desserts. Gelato bar, Perfiterols, peach cobbler, coffee mouse, chocolate souflee, lime tart with fresh rasberries, OMG! I'm sitting on the plane ride home very satiated, very happy. On my "50 things you must do before you die" list is: a high end buffet at a big casino at least once, maybe annually, and THE WYNN was outstanding!
If you go at 11:30 am, you'll be set with breakfast & lunch items, & one meal lasting ALL day.