Gas stations make me smile. While the gas is pumping I get to check out the latest gum flavors! Today I spotted a new Trident...Orange Swirl - creamsicle!!! Quickly opening it in line I grinned widely - even the cashier felt my excitetment of trying something new! Then I started my 3 hour road trip. For awhile I chewed it slowly, then I played games: how many chews could I do in 1 mile? or in 1 minute? I made a flat patty with my tongue onto the roof of my mouth, I rolled it into a thin snake, then stretched it over my front 6 teeth. And it was as good as I'd have hoped - it lasted 2.5 hours & was still really soft.
On the way back home, I stopped again, strategically in a different city. Different cities & different gas stations have different brands. THIS station had ANOTHER new gum! Stride "Mega Mystery" in a tie-dyed package. It tasted like fruit stripes (no mystery THERE for a gum connaisseur) but sugar FREE (better for the teeth - alrighty!) It didn't last as long as my Orange Swirl, but it satisfied my goal of finding a new gum at every gas station on my road trips. Then I grabbed 2 new pieces & chewed both together & THAT was great! The orange was soft, the mystery one was firm & together it was perfect!
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