Monday, February 22, 2010


I try to model, practice, teach, preach & exude BALANCE; who knows how out of whack I'd be if I didn't have kids!  My goal being to nurture their creativity, enjoy their stages through childhood & simultaneously to introduce manners & useful tools that are accepted by most people so they can be confident, capable adults.

Raised by very mannerful parents, I was forced to regularly practice eating dinner very formally, no elbows on the table, certainly no burping.  Now a mom of 8 & 9 year olds, I was having so much more fun NOT enforcing those rules that I gave up & accepted our playful goofy dining experiences every night.  We laugh a lot & it feels really good.

See full size imageI taught them once how to eat properly & thought they'd understand when to use it (with Grandma & Grandpa.)  But that isn't happening; my parents are appalled at their animal-like, hyper demeanors.  I'm so bummed to have to be strict like my parents were with me. (I was so sure I could accomplish the same results without being serious, but they don't take me seriously unless I'm really serious.)  So I've got to balance out their hyperness with some emily-postness.

I'm glad to have the foundation of proper etiquette & know it's beneficial in life.  So here I go, trying to halfway undo the years of burping & spinning & joking at the dinner table.  Maybe doing every other night serious & silly will work.

Most importantly what's for dessert?  I guess we'll have to stop squirting whipped cream into our mouths some of the time too.


  1. Maybe think of it as showing the'accepted' table manners now, so they can enjoy & be enjoyed at restaurants both now as lil' kids, and when they grow up. But I think you can always have a lil' silliness at the table eh?;-)

  2. Thanks girl! I am also going to try to make a game of it like "okay, this is the night we practice using our fancy manners" & get out a tablecloth & set it really special. I think I can have fun both ways :)
